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Can We Fix Capitalism? With Gillian Tett and Yanis Varoufakis

Is capitalism past its sell by date? Or can it be reinvented for the digital age?

Gillian Tett is the pioneering columnist who has spent the last decade documenting the rise of ‘conscious capitalism’, a movement led by businesses that have concluded they can no longer afford to ignore issues like climate change, income inequality and social justice. Yanis Varoufakis is the former Greek finance minister who oversaw the bailout crisis in 2015 and has spent the last decade calling for a kinder vision for the global economy

In October 2021 they came to Intelligence Squared to discuss and debate their visions for a post-COVID economy. While both agree that capitalism needs reform they differ in the solutions they proffer. Tett believes business can play a greater leadership role in confronting existential issues like climate change. Varoufakis drew from his new book Another Now and presented a plan for a post-capitalist future. 



Yanis Varoufakis

Economist, politician and bestselling author, whose latest book is Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present

Bestselling author of Another Now: Dispatches from an Alternative Present; Talking to My Daughter: A Brief History of Capitalism; Adults in the Room, a memoir of his time as finance minister of Greece; and an economic history of Europe, And the Weak Suffer What They Must? Born in Athens in 1961, Yanis Varoufakis was for many years a professor of economics in Britain, Australia and the USA before he entered politics. He is co-founder of the international grassroots movement DiEM25 and, since 2019, he is leading its parliamentary party in Greece's Parliament. He is currently Professor of Economics at the University of Athens.

Gillian Tett

Chair of the US editorial board and US editor-at-large at the Financial Times

Chairman of the US editorial board and U.S editor-at-large at the Financial Times. She is the author of many books including Fools Gold and the new book Anthro-Vision: A New Way to see Business and Life. Gillian holds a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Cambridge and has won numerous awards, including Columnist, Journalist and Business Journalist of the Year at the British Press Awards. She has been elected the next Provost of King's College, Cambridge and will take office in October 2023.

Anne McElvoy

Executive Editor of The Economist and host of The Economist Asks podcast

Senior Editor at The Economist and head of Economist Radio podcasts. She is a regular presenter of arts and politics shows on Radio 3 and Radio 4, and a panellist on the BBC's Moral Maze. She also writes a weekly political column on British and European politics for the Evening Standard.