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Earthling Ed on How to Argue with a Meat Eater

How can we productively engage with those who have opposing views?

This event is part of ‘Conversations at the Kiln’, a new event series at Kiln Theatre programmed by Intelligence Squared. For more events with speakers from the worlds of literature, art, poetry and politics, click here.

Ed Winters, known to his millions of online followers as Earthling Ed, has perfected the art of persuasion. During his extensive career as an activist and educator, he has made the case for veganism everywhere from university campuses to live on GB News. His compelling and informative content has garnered millions of views, and earned him a dedicated following across online platforms.

In March 2025 Earthling Ed joined us live at the Kiln Theatre to share his insights on how we can all become better conversationalists and critical thinkers.

How can we productively engage with those who have opposing views? How can emotionally charged conversations become productive? And how can we engage others to create a more ethical, kind and sustainable world?

Drawing on the new paperback edition of his bestselling book, How to Argue with a Meat Eater (And Win Every Time), Ed discusseds how to debunk and respond to every argument against veganism: from classic conspiracy theories and questions over a lack of protein to newer issues surrounding processed vegan substitutes and more.



Ed Winters

Activist, author and internet celebrity


Dominique Palmer

Climate Justice Activist and Writer

Award winning Youth Climate Justice Activist, global speaker and writer. She works on uniting people for climate action, speaking to world leaders, intersectional climate justice, making environmental spaces inclusive, and using creative means and the arts to create a cultural shift for protecting our earth. She is on the Youth Council for New Zero World, a Coordinator in Climate Live, a global youth-led concert harnessing the power of music to engage, educate and empower, and is on the Steering Committee for the Youth Climate Justice Fund - the first global youth-led climate fund.